Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 Random Thoughts

Inspired by two bloggers that I admire (and follow through Google Reader!), Julie and Melanie, who made “random list” posts... I made a “10 Random Thoughts” post to share, maybe it will inspire you to do the same?
  1. I don’t remember the last time I ironed something that wasn’t a craft project.
  2. I hate the phrase ‘It is what it is.” You’re full of it. There are much better ways to accept life in a positive manner; please choose another phrase!
  3. I have a huge list of things on my mind I want to complete; making a list of all this stuff is part of that list, but it might take too much time to write down a list when I could be doing the things I keep forgetting to do. ;)
  4. I am still successfully avoiding joining Pinterest – too many other internet distractions that I use currently. I said that about Facebook for a long time too.
  5. I think the exclamation point is an indicator of a positive thought online. I haven’t learned a better way to push-positivity into my words without them. I am hesitating not adding any to these particular thoughts.
  6. I love cooking and baking. I took a moment to type this line from some soup experimentation in the kitchen. I wanted to include it since I caught myself smiling and happy.
  7. If I had an opportunity to design a bathroom, I would include a urinal. Just think of the water savings! That’s thousands of gallons a year, even compared to a dual-flush traditional toilet.
  8. Hold the onions, tomatoes, and peppers, please. I’ll cook with onions, but raw ones don’t agree with my taste buds - OMG ONION OIL BURNING WHY WON’T YOU GO AWAY THAT WAS FOUR HOURS AGO I ATE THAT.
  9. No Splenda please; sucralose hates me, or my stomach hates surcalose; same difference!
  10. I love animals. If you have a pet I will talk to it. Given enough time I will take pictures of it too. 

This is not my cat, but I think she is awesome enough to share her picture with you.


  1. Awesome post! Especially the part about you photographing other people's cats! That's like saying "Dude, I took a picture of your kid and blogged about it." LOL :D

    1. Thankfully it is in the YOUR KID IS SO AWESOME kind of way.

      I'm also good at taking awkward-family-photo style pictures of animals too. Dog shaking his head with a giant ball and looking deranged? Yup, caught that moment!

  2. Nice! I don't iron anything other than crafty stuff too. Well, the hubs asked me to iron his uniform the other day, but I don't iron anything else for myself! haha

    1. Since we have been in an apartment and inherited a full-sized ironing board from a family member, I completely understand the built-in type that used to be common! Although I can imagine us leaving it down (depending on location) and used it as a table to collect stuff, so maybe that is why I haven't seen one in a new home? Or maybe it is something I have only seen in comedy sketches because the never stay up...

      I should add that to my list! When designing a home, I would include a reliable and useful wall-built-in ironing board and iron holder, with an outlet appropriately placed. ;)
